The Sword And A Princess

SYBC Admin.

Take to the skies, when Africa rises in the newest Super Ultra Adventure.The Sword And A Princess: Mother Of Construction Skyputs our heorine into the future of a sky continent. This story continues the locked lore of Princess Baka, and Vivian. Mount Kiliomanjaro has an usual energy arising inside it's hollow volcanic core. The Princess goes to investigate the disturbance.

Mother Of Construction sky will focus on the use of "vertical" worlds. An expriement on creating places that goes upward and downward. The communities that take place in this world. The threats, the peace, and everything in between. This will be ready to read at Friday Night Shorts. So that means you can read the entire adventure for free. Anytime at your pace.

There will be cross over events with Schoolyard Omelette. So check some of those cool extras out. Other little extras will also be available to celebrate the series and it's ushering in of the Super Ultra Adventure series of big stories. If you want to know more about The Sword And A Princess, you can head over to Super Ultra Adventures and SYBCBLX. Learn about the characters, the lore, and more.
