Kinko Squad is here

SYBC Admin.

The squad of Schoolyard is finally here! Kinko Squad is finally here to tackle the ills of evil. Join Kinko and his squad as they live, and fight in their world. You will get to read their first misadventure at Schoolyard Mixtape. Head on over to the Omelette section to check out the comic. This series will be, and always be a pillar of Schoolyard's Super hero slate of characters. As one of the oldest of Schoolyard Book Company.

A new set of One Dollar Comics will be arriving at the Schoolbrary as well. This adventure will be far different than the Mixtape. These will be their own solitary set of stories that you can engage with, without rocking to the volume set of Kinko adventures elsewhere. Another series will begin on Gorbo. Kinko Squad Blue, is the upcoming animated series that will take alternative edition of the comic series. This will also be different than the other comic series that will be available.

To learn even more about Kinko Squad, head on over to Schoolyard Mixtape. The Super Hero Club page for Kinko Squad, and many other Schoolyard heroes will be ready in 2024.
