Schoolyard Official Blog

The Blue Internet

By: SYBC Admin

The internet is changing again. It's becoming more red as the years go on. What does that mean for Schoolyard? It's time to look for "blue skies". A serious bloodbath is coming, and the wider internet is dying because of it. From major website search, to apps that take up time investment. To even adult rated sites being replaced by subscription models, the internet is becoming more and more crimson than before.There is still a "wild west" of sorts. But unfortunately it's been plagued by ads and bots that are meant to extract data. These tactics empower the "dead" internet for larger entities that have taken grip of online traffic.

For Schoolyard, that means we must leave this variant of this internet. So how does this happen? Well it's already happening. This website here is the bedrock for the future Schoolyard platform. From SYBC to Okra, this is our definitive infrastructure. Creating a exclusive platform that let the content thrive, is where the blue internet for us arrives. Drawing the line between the red app filled, SEO ladden, online places, and Schoolyard's own internet.

And yes, Schoolyard has to develop it's own internet. And on this internet, the Schoolyard platform is begining the "culture" of SYBC and it's content. The Friday Night, AS-IF, Okra, and the Schoolbrary store, are places that will create this new "Schoolyard Internet" that takes the network into a larger agenda. There are parts that are creeping into the internet of Schoolyard. It takes the saying, "All Things Schoolyard" into a very different meaning. And this is just the drop.

As time moves on, you will see things that are much different than the usual network of information and content. From the UX, to the design, to the visual language, you're going to see something that becomes it's own atmosphere. This blue ocean will create a new era for Schoolyard. In this era, it will generate a modular form of this platform that continue as technology moves around. With heading towards these blue waves, it will give new creativity and technology edges like never before.