The Friday Night

Winter Keynote

Welcome again to the annual Keynote for Schoolyard Book Company for 2023. Today I will discuss about the future of Schoolyard and where it will be heading towards. This year marks the 25th year of it's inception. So now is the time to talk about where does SYBC go from this point and beyond.

It's taken many years to build and rebuild a correct infastructure for Schoolyard. A place where all it's characters and IPs can call a home to. For the longest, I wanted that to really be the ultimate goal for the company as a whole. A central place, or a center point to where all the creativity Schoolyard offers to anchor from. Finally, that goal has been settled.

A New Ocean

One of the most problematic things that worked effectively well against Schoolyard, was trying to intergrate it's products into other ecosystems. This is something from the begining is always taught to you to pursue. That victory only comes when you are intergrated into another, well established "ocean" sort of speak. Even if this very ocean is just as untested. Yet, because this untested ocean has finacial resources backing it, you must be a part of it's graceful timing. That's a very fatal flaw that has damaged Schoolyard.

So after many years of dealing with this flaw, it's time to move on to a different ocean. It's this point, where Schoolyard must cement it's future as of now. So it's time to dwell in a different ocean than the one that has been set for us all, for a long set of years.

Moving towards a new space that covers all things Schoolyard is more than company speak. It's the dawn of new actions that must take root. That means, leaving some of the intergration of content and ecosystem behind. Putting that investment into the full resource of Schoolyard, and it's platforms. These are the things you will see from this point on. Growing the homebase into it's final ocean of projects and future works for the betterment of SYBC, and everything associated with it.

The Schoolyard Platform

The next step is establishing the Schoolyard platform. This is where the central spot for all of SYBC, and it's projects and products will be planted, and thrive. The first of this platform has already blossomed. Omelette is the first to capture what Schoolyard is becoming. With Omelette, you have a true one stop shop for all types of Schoolyard content. Projects that are for every age, that converts easily into valuable products.

This is something you will see completed in less than two years. The focus can now be on making sure the best projects can shine brightly. This will strengthen distribution of resources and ideas in a much more polished fashion. The Schoolyard platform will bring the whole infastructure together once and for all. This will finally create a smooth transition of project to project momentum, that's needed for creative resources to succeed in.

Schoolyard can and will now become it's very own thing. From Schoolbrary to Okra, everything needed to cover "All Things Schoolyard", can be considered that. So the internal chain of distribution will now become the focus to seal the next phase of Schoolyard products. That means if you want to take part of SYBC, you have to join into the ecosystem that SYBC has built into.

And that is where the age of creativity rises. Schoolyard can now experiment in developing new ways to deliver content. New ways to build something solid, and enough quantity to keep everything moving along. Like the pieces of a puzzle coming together.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy the holidays, and the Winter session!