Editor's Note for the week.


Welcome to Schoolyard Winter 2024. As you are reading this, it's already begun. Now in this Winter, I will continue to create a complete Schoolyard Book Company. So more products to celebrate SYBC and everything that defines the "culture" of Schoolyard, and it's divisions. I'm very proud how fast audio and Friday Night Radio has expanded. Now it's time to do this for Schoolbrary and the world of video. Gorbo and Friday Night Delivery will get their time.

Refrigerator games will debut at the Schoolbrary. Titles will be arriving for the holidays. These of course will be digital products. The BookBot side will be coming with new games as well. Those are physical. Okra will be debuting all the newest animations for it's platform. You can check those out in the very near future.

We are entering a new world after this year. Because of decisions that are very far out of our controls. These are real life issues that are life and death. However, I will continue to work on Schoolyard and grow into the platform is was meant to be. Even if not one soul check out what's here, and upcoming. That's ok. Beacuse it's almost 30, but the race continues. I will do my best to make the magic that Schoolyard deserves. I haven't been the best with doing what the job is. I will for sure usher in the creative spirit in this upcoming new world that's upon us. That's it for now. All the Friday Night normal schedule will continue to run smoothly again. So check out everything if you can. Stay informed...Take care. And as always...


Editor's Note for 11/09/24